Wednesday 17 October 2012

Reading, reading, reading....

Currently, I've been trying to carry on reading 'The Righteous Men' by Sam Bourne.
 It tells the story of a series of murders that take place in various backstreet's of New York. A New York Time's reporter, William Monroe is investigating one of these murders when he suddenly finds himself caught up in these mysterious events. His wife, Beth, is kidnapped by the men behind these murder's and his job is to decipher the various clues they leave behind, which curiously lead him to a mysterious cult. He must now decipher riddles and prophecies in order to discover a secret which many men would kill for as well as trying to find a way to save Beth. 

In other words, it's very much the same style as 'The Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown; unfortunately however I'm currently only half way through so I won't be able to say if it's better than Dan Brown's gold relic or not. Though in my opinion, it would be hard for that to happen. 

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